Mapping of Health Care Providers
for People with Rare Diseases

Zentrum für Pädiatrische Stammzelltransplantation und Immunologie der Universitätsmedizin Frankfurt

Description of facility

Director / Spokesperson
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Bader, PD Dr. med. Shahrzad Bakhtiar (Stellvertretung)
Care facility for children
Im Zentrum werden circa 200 Kinder und junge Erwachsene mit sehr seltenen monogenetischen Erkrankungen des Immunsystems diagnostiziert und behandelt.  Seit August 2019 wird das Zentrum ergänzend als ein „Zentrum für kombinierte Immundefizienz“ geführt und hält den Versorgungsauftrag für die Länder Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen. Die im Zentrum behandelten Patientinnen und Patienten werden in das Frankfurter Register (FRAPID Datenbank und Biobanking) aufgenommen. Das Zentrum nimmt an diversen nationalen und international Studien teil und betreut eigene wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte mit Fokus auf angeborene Immundysregulation und Autoinflammation. Ein umfassendes Therapieangebot von Immunglobulinersatz über Biologika bis zu allogener Stammzelltransplantation wird angeboten.

Consultation hours

Mo-Do 08:00 - 16:30 Uhr, Fr 08:00 - 15:30 Uhr.

Care provisions

This facility offers the following
  • Participation in registries
  • Clinical studies / research
  • Diagnostic
  • Therapy


PD Dr. med. Shahrzad Bakhtiar
069 63016063
069 63014202

Secondary Contact

PD Dr. med. Andre Willasch
069 63016063
069 63014202


Theodor-Stern-Kai 7
60590 Frankfurt am Main
Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin Haus 32 D+E

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Germany.png Deutsch
United_Kingdom.png Englisch

Preview of the assigned diseases 1

Leukozytenadhäsionsdefekt Typ II Leukozytenadhäsionsdefekt Typ I Pulmonale Alveolarproteinose-Hypogammaglobulinämie, infantile Form Leukozytenadhäsionsdefekt Typ III PAPA-Syndrom Immuno-neurologische Krankheit, X-chromosomale T-Zell-Immundefekt mit Thymusaplasie Autoinflammatorisches Syndrom mit Immundefekt Infantile chronisch-entzündliche Darmerkrankung mit neurologischer Beteiligung Roifman-Syndrom Kombinierter Immundefekt-Enteropathie-Spektrum Myeloperoxidase-Mangel Lymphohistiozytose, hämophagozytische, familiäre Form Immundefekt, X-chromosomaler, mit Magnesium-Defekt, Epstein-Barr-Virus-Infektion und Neoplasie Immundefektsyndrom, variables Panzytopenie durch IKZF1-Genmutationen Evans-Syndrom mit assoziiertem primären Immundefekt Autosomal-rezessive Suszeptibilität für Mykobakteriosen durch kompletten Defekt Immundefekt, kombinierter, durch OX40-Mangel Agammaglobulinämie, X-chromosomale Immundysregulation-entzündliche Darmerkrankung-Arthritis-rekurrente Infektionen-Lymphopenie Immundefekt, primärer, mit Prädisposition zur schweren Virusinfektion Aicardi-Goutières-Syndrom Autosomal-dominante Suszeptibilität für Mykobakteriosen durch partiellen Defekt Entzündliche Darmerkrankung-rekurrente sinupulmonale Infektionen-Syndrom Autosomal-rezessive Suszeptibilität für Mykobakteriosen durch partiellen Defekt Deletion 22q11 Autoimmun-lymphoproliferatives Syndrom mit rezidivierenden Infekten DITRA Autoimmun-lymphoproliferative Krankheit vom Typ Dianzani Autoimmunkrankheit, multisystemische syndromale, durch Itch-Mangel Autosomal-rezessive Suszeptibilität für Mykobakteriosen durch partiellen IFN-gamma-R2-Defekt Autosomal-rezessive Suszeptibilität für Mykobakteriosen durch partiellen IFN-gamma-R1-Defekt Autosomal-dominante Suszeptibilität für Mykobakteriosen durch partiellen IFN-gamma-R1-Defekt Hermansky-Pudlak-Syndrom Typ 9 Hennekam-Syndrom Diarrhoe, syndromale Autosomal-dominante Suszeptibilität für Mykobakteriosen durch partiellen IFN-gamma-R2-Defekt Immundefekt, primärer Cernunnos/XLF-Mangel Empfänglichkeit für virale und mykobakterielle Infektionen durch STAT1-Defizienz Defekt der schweren Immunglobulinkette Chédiak-Higashi-Syndrom Autoimmun-lymphoproliferatives Syndrom B-Zell-Immundefekt-Extremitätenanomalien-urogenitale Fehlbildungen-Syndrom Neutropenie, kongenitale schwere DOCK2-Mangel Cryopyrin-assoziiertes periodisches Syndrom Aktivierendes PIK3-delta-Syndrom Epidermodysplasia verruciformis Candidose, chronische mukokutane Autoimmune Enteropathie und Endokrinopathie-Empfänglichkeit für chronische Infektionen-Syndrom Agammaglobulinämie, isolierte DNA-Reparaturdefekt, ungleich kombinierter B- und T-Zell-Immundefekt Dysplasie, immuno-ossäre CANDLE-Syndrom Barth-Syndrom Bloom-Syndrom Erhöhte Anfälligkeit für Atemwegsinfektionen durch CD8alpha-Defizienz CHARGE-Syndrom Agammaglobulinämie-Mikrozephalie-Kraniosynostose-schwere Dermatitis-Syndrom CD4-Lymphozytopenie, idiopathische Cherubismus Cohen-Syndrom Dyskeratosis congenita Autosomal-rezessiver primärer Immundefekt mit defekter spontaner natürlicher Killer-Zellen-Zytotoxizität CEBPE-assoziierte Autoinflammation-Immundefekt- neutrophile Funktionsstörung-Syndrom Griscelli-Syndrom Typ 2 ICF-Syndrom Hyper-IgM-Syndrom Typ 2 Hyper-IgM-Syndrom, X-chromosomales Hyper-IgM-Syndrom Typ 4 Hyper-IgM-Syndrom Typ 3 Hyper-IgM-Syndrom Typ 5 Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson-Syndrom Hyper-IgE-Syndrom, autosomal-dominantes Hyperimmunglobulinämie D mit Rückfallfieber Hyper-IgM-Syndrom mit opportunistischen Infektionen Granulomatose, chronische Hermansky-Pudlak-Syndrom durch AP-3-Defizienz Glykogenose Typ 1b Agammaglobulinämie, autosomal-rezessive Agammaglobulinämie, syndromale FADD-abhängiger Immundefekt Agammaglobulinämie Autoimmun-Polyendokrinopathie Typ 1 Fehlende Daumen-Kleinwuchs-Immundefekt-Syndrom Herpes-simplex-Enzephalitis Genetische Prädisposition für Infektionen durch spezifische Pathogene CINCA-Syndrom Familiärer hyperinflammatorischer lymphoproliferativer Immundefekt Autoimmun-lymphoproliferatives Syndrom durch CTLA4-Haploinsuffizienz Folat-Malabsorption, hereditäre Entwicklungsverzögerung-Immundefekt-Leukoenzephalopathie-Hypohomocysteinämie-Syndrom BENTA-Krankheit Antikörpermangel mit normalen Immunglobulinen und B-Zellen Anhidrotische ektodermale Dysplasie-Immundefekt-Osteopetrose-Lymphödem-Syndrom Autosomal-rezessive Mendelsche Anfälligkeit für Erkrankungen durch Mykobakterien durch partiellen JAK1-Mangel Asplenie, familiäre isolierte, kongenitale Alopezie mit Antikörper-Mangel Primary CD59 deficiency Hyper-IgM syndrome without susceptibility to opportunistic infections Facial dysmorphism-immunodeficiency-livedo-short stature syndrome Hyper-IgE syndrome Selective IgM deficiency Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency Pyogenic autoinflammatory syndrome Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia Primary immunodeficiency with post-measles-mumps-rubella vaccine viral infection Immunodeficiency by defective expression of MHC class II Immune dysregulation with inflammatory bowel disease Muckle-Wells syndrome Complement component 3 deficiency Monocytopenia with susceptibility to infections Severe combined immunodeficiency due to LCK deficiency Reticular dysgenesis Immunodeficiency due to a complement regulatory deficiency Combined immunodeficiency due to CARMIL2 deficiency Immunodeficiency due to a complement cascade component deficiency Combined immunodeficiency due to LRBA deficiency Quantitative and/or qualitative congenital phagocyte defect Constitutional neutropenia Primary immunodeficiency due to a defect in innate immunity Combined immunodeficiency due to CD3gamma deficiency Congenital progressive bone marrow failure-B-cell immunodeficiency-skeletal dysplasia syndrome Netherton syndrome Nijmegen breakage syndrome-like disorder Cyclic neutropenia Primary immunodeficiency with natural-killer cell deficiency and adrenal insufficiency Combined immunodeficiency due to CRAC channel dysfunction Omenn syndrome Neutropenia-monocytopenia-deafness syndrome Neonatal inflammatory skin and bowel disease Severe combined immunodeficiency due to FOXN1 deficiency Nijmegen breakage syndrome Combined immunodeficiency due to MALT1 deficiency Immunodeficiency due to CD25 deficiency Severe combined immunodeficiency due to CORO1A deficiency Autosomal recessive mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to complete RORgamma receptor deficiency Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome Cartilage-hair hypoplasia Recurrent infection due to specific granule deficiency Immunodeficiency due to a classical component pathway complement deficiency Congenital neutropenia-myelofibrosis-nephromegaly syndrome Pearson syndrome Immunodeficiency due to a late component of complement deficiency T-B+ severe combined immunodeficiency due to IL-7Ralpha deficiency T-B+ severe combined immunodeficiency due to CD45 deficiency T-B+ severe combined immunodeficiency due to CD3delta/CD3epsilon/CD3zeta Combined immunodeficiency due to Moesin deficiency Osteopetrosis-hypogammaglobulinemia syndrome Severe combined immunodeficiency due to CTPS1 deficiency Immunodeficiency with factor I anomaly Combined immunodeficiency due to partial RAG1 deficiency NIK deficiency Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency Combined immunodeficiency with granulomatosis X-linked severe congenital neutropenia T-B+ severe combined immunodeficiency due to JAK3 deficiency Severe combined immunodeficiency due to DCLRE1C deficiency T-B+ severe combined immunodeficiency due to gamma chain deficiency Severe combined immunodeficiency due to adenosine deaminase deficiency Hepatic veno-occlusive disease-immunodeficiency syndrome Combined immunodeficiency due to RELA haploinsufficiency Immunodeficiency by defective expression of MHC class I Non-severe combined immunodeficiency Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia Constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome Combined immunodeficiency due to DOCK8 deficiency Laron syndrome with immunodeficiency Primary immunodeficiency due to a defect in adaptive immunity PLCG2-associated antibody deficiency and immune dysregulation Combined immunodeficiency due to STK4 deficiency Combined immunodeficiency due to CD70 deficiency Severe dermatitis-multiple allergies-metabolic wasting syndrome Primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Lichtenstein syndrome Familial Mediterranean fever RAS-associated autoimmune leukoproliferative disease Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to CSF3R deficiency Combined immunodeficiency due to ITK deficiency Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to CXCR2 deficiency Combined immunodeficiency due to CARD11 deficiency Poikiloderma with neutropenia Recurrent infections associated with rare immunoglobulin isotypes deficiency Predisposition to invasive fungal disease due to CARD9 deficiency Immunodeficiency syndrome with autoimmunity X-linked lymphoproliferative disease Combined immunodeficiency due to GINS1 deficiency Combined immunodeficiency due to ZAP70 deficiency Immune dysregulation disease with immunodeficiency Properdin deficiency Leukocyte adhesion deficiency Neutrophil immunodeficiency syndrome Lung fibrosis-immunodeficiency-46,XX gonadal dysgenesis syndrome PGM3-CDG Combined immunodeficiency due to CD27 deficiency Immune deficiency due to impaired neutrophil phagocytosis and migration Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to G6PC3 deficiency Constitutional neutropenia with extra-hematopoietic manifestations Immunodeficiency due to interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase-4 deficiency Severe combined immunodeficiency due to complete RAG1/2 deficiency Combined immunodeficiency with facio-oculo-skeletal anomalies Combined immunodeficiency due to TFRC deficiency IL21-related infantile inflammatory bowel disease Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to JAGN1 deficiency LIG4 syndrome Autosomal dominant severe congenital neutropenia Immune dysregulation-inflammatory bowel disease-arthritis-recurrent infections syndrome Immunodeficiency with severe reduction in serum IgG and IgA with normal/elevated IgM and normal number of B-cells Combined immunodeficiency due to ORAI1 deficiency Combined immunodeficiency due to STIM1 deficiency Severe combined immunodeficiency due to DNA-PKcs deficiency Kostmann syndrome Primary immunodeficiency syndrome due to LAMTOR2 deficiency Lymphoproliferative syndrome Immunodeficiency due to ficolin3 deficiency Immunodeficiency due to MASP-2 deficiency Immunodeficiency due to selective anti-polysaccharide antibody deficiency Familial cold urticaria Predisposition to severe viral infection due to IRF7 deficiency Immunodeficiency due to absence of thymus Combined immunodeficiency due to IL21R deficiency Severe combined immunodeficiency due to IKK2 deficiency Immunodeficiency with isotype or light chain deficiencies with normal number of B-cells Hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis T-B+ severe combined immunodeficiency T-B- severe combined immunodeficiency Majeed syndrome Immunodeficiency syndrome with hypopigmentation Recurrent Neisseria infections due to factor D deficiency Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to complete IFNgammaR1 deficiency Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to complete IFNgammaR2 deficiency Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to complete IL12B deficiency Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to complete IL12RB1 deficiency Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to complete ISG15 deficiency Vasculitis due to ADA2 deficiency Combined T and B cell immunodeficiency Deficiency in anterior pituitary function-variable immunodeficiency syndrome Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to partial STAT1 deficiency X-linked mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases Skeletal dysplasia-T-cell immunodeficiency-developmental delay syndrome Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to partial IRF8 deficiency X-linked mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to IKBKG deficiency TCR-alpha-beta-positive T-cell deficiency X-linked mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases due to CYBB deficiency STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy Sterile multifocal osteomyelitis with periostitis and pustulosis Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 associated periodic syndrome T-cell immunodeficiency with epidermodysplasia verruciformis Singleton-Merten dysplasia Severe combined immunodeficiency due to LAT deficiency Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases Warts-immunodeficiency-lymphedema-anogenital dysplasia syndrome Susceptibility to localized juvenile periodontitis Shwachman-Diamond syndrome Spondyloenchondrodysplasia Transcobalamin deficiency Whipple disease Functional neutrophil defect STAT3-related early-onset multisystem autoimmune disease Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Bacterial susceptibility due to TLR signaling pathway deficiency Early-onset autoimmunity-autoinflammation-immunodeficiency syndrome Short-limb skeletal dysplasia with severe combined immunodeficiency WHIM syndrome Other immunodeficiency syndromes due to defects in innate immunity X-linked reticulate pigmentary disorder Syndrome with combined immunodeficiency Vici syndrome Susceptibility to infection due to TYK2 deficiency T+ B+ severe combined immunodeficiency
8.65856766700744850.0937904599946Zentrum für Pädiatrische Stammzelltransplantation und Immunologie der Universitätsmedizin Frankfurt
Last updated: 15.01.2025