Zentrum für Blutgerinnungsstörungen Leipzig
Description of facility
Director / Spokesperson
Dr. med. Ute Scholz, Dr. med. Michael KrauseInformation
Care facility for adults and childrenDescription
Die Spezialisten des Zentrums diagnostizieren und therapieren Blutgerinnungsstörungen mit dem gesamten Spektrum zur Abklärung von Thrombophilie und Hämophilie. Weiterhin umfasst das Leistungsspektrum die Betreuung chronischer Erkrankungen der Hämostase, die Einstellung und Überwachung bei systemischer Antikoagulation, hämostaseologische perioperative Beratung und konsiliarische Beratung 24 h an 365 Tagen.
Consultation hours
Mo 8:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:00 - 15:00 Uhr, Di 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Mi und Fr 8:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Do 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:00 - 15:00 Uhr.
Care provisions
This facility offers the following
- Genetic counselling
- Diagnostic
- Therapy
Contact person for patients with an unclear diagnosis
0341 6565127
0341 6565128
Certificates 2
Preview of the assigned diseases 1
Epstein syndrome
Thrombocythemia with distal limb defects
Autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenia
Congenital prekallikrein deficiency
Stormorken-Sjaastad-Langslet syndrome
Bleeding disorder in hemophilia B carriers
Rare hemorrhagic disorder
Congenital high-molecular-weight kininogen deficiency
Bleeding disorder due to P2Y12 defect
Fechtner syndrome
Bleeding disorder in hemophilia A carriers
Thrombocytopenia with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia
Congenital alpha2-antiplasmin deficiency
Hereditary thrombophilia due to congenital antithrombin deficiency
Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to a coagulation factors defect
Von Willebrand disease
Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to a constitutional thrombocytopenia
Rare coagulation disorder
Von Willebrand disease type 2
Von Willebrand disease type 1
Radio-ulnar synostosis-amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia syndrome
Mediterranean macrothrombocytopenia
Von Willebrand disease type 2A
Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to a qualitative platelet defect
Hereditary combined deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors
Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to a platelet anomaly
Von Willebrand disease type 2B
MYH9-related disease
Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to an acquired coagulation factor defect
Von Willebrand disease type 2N
Von Willebrand disease type 2M
Rare thrombotic disease of hematologic origin
Von Willebrand disease type 3
X-linked dyserythropoietic anemia with abnormal platelets and neutropenia
Familial hypofibrinogenemia
Dense granule disease
Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to an acquired platelet anomaly
Alpha granule disease
Severe hemophilia B
Moderate hemophilia B
Rare thrombotic disorder due to a coagulation factors defect
Scott syndrome
Sebastian syndrome
Acquired von Willebrand syndrome
Severe hemophilia A
Rare thrombotic disorder due to a constitutional coagulation factors defect
Hemophilia A
Mild hemophilia B
Moderate hemophilia A
Familial afibrinogenemia
Hemophilia B
Rare thrombotic disorder due to an acquired coagulation factors defect
Familial dysfibrinogenemia
Hemorrhagic disease due to alpha-1-antitrypsin Pittsburgh mutation
Bleeding diathesis due to glycoprotein VI deficiency
Immune thrombocytopenia
Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Bleeding diathesis due to integrin alpha2-beta1 deficiency
Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to a constitutional coagulation factors defect
Mild hemophilia A
Rare thrombotic disorder due to a platelet anomaly
Rare hemorrhagic disorder due to a constitutional platelet anomaly
Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
Multiple sclerosis-ichthyosis-factor VIII deficiency syndrome
East Texas bleeding disorder
Congenital vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors deficiency
Pseudo-von Willebrand disease
Immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Familial thrombocytosis
Acquired prothrombin deficiency
Gaisböck syndrome
Protein S acquired deficiency
Bleeding diathesis due to a collagen receptor defect
Hypercoagulability syndrome due to glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiency
Rare thrombotic disorder due to a constitutional platelet anomaly
Glanzmann thrombasthenia
Simple cryoglobulinemia
May-Hegglin thrombocytopenia
Paris-Trousseau thrombocytopenia
Acquired hemophilia
X-linked thrombocytopenia with normal platelets
Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Rare thrombotic disorder due to an acquired platelet anomaly
Bleeding diathesis due to thromboxane synthesis deficiency
Combined deficiency of factor V and factor VIII
Familial hypodysfibrinogenemia
Macrothrombocytopenia with mitral valve insufficiency
Hereditary thrombocytopenia with normal platelets
Essential thrombocythemia
Isolated hereditary giant platelet disorder
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
Thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome
Autosomal thrombocytopenia with normal platelets
Evans syndrome
Rare hereditary thrombophilia
Familial thrombomodulin anomalies
Alpha delta granule deficiency
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Congenital factor II deficiency
Congenital factor V deficiency
Congenital factor VII deficiency
Congenital factor X deficiency
Congenital plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 deficiency
Congenital factor XI deficiency
Acquired purpura fulminans
Congenital factor XII deficiency
Congenital factor XIII deficiency
Severe hereditary thrombophilia due to congenital protein S deficiency
Hereditary thrombophilia due to congenital histidine-rich (poly-L) glycoprotein deficiency
Congenital fibrinogen deficiency
Severe hereditary thrombophilia due to congenital protein C deficiency
12.43857935878270251.30746737923074Zentrum für Blutgerinnungsstörungen Leipzig
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