Mapping of Health Care Providers
for People with Rare Diseases

Zentrum für Seltene Lungenerkrankungen am Universitätsklinikum Köln

Description of facility

Director / Spokesperson
PD Dr. Silke van Koningsbruggen-Rietschel
Care facility for adults and children
Im Zentrum für Seltene Lungenerkrankungen werden Patientinnen und Patienten mit seltenen Lungenerkrankungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter sowie in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Krankenhaus Bethanien in Solingen im Erwachsenenalter betreut.

Hierzu gehören Erkrankungen wie Mukoviszidose (Cystische Fibrose, CF) als häufigste seltene, angeborene Lungenerkrankung, primäre ziliäre Dyskinesie (PCD), Alpha-1-Antitrypsin-Mangel, angeborene Fehlbildungen (z. B. congenital-cystisch-adenomatoide Malformationen (CCAM), congenitales lobäres Emphysem (CLE), Scimitar-Syndrom), non-CF Bronchiektasen, interstitielle Lungenerkrankungen (z.B. Alveolarproteinose, Lungenfibrose, neuroendokrine Zellhyperplasie), pulmonale arterielle Hypertonie (PAH), Sarkoidose und Lymphangioleiomyomatose (LAM).

Care provisions

This facility offers the following
  • Clinical studies / research
  • Diagnostic
  • Therapy


Daniela Rehburg
0221 47897684
0221 4781460221


Kerpener Straße 62
50937 Köln

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Germany.png Deutsch
United_Kingdom.png Englisch

Certificates 1

European Reference Network 1

Preview of the assigned diseases 12

Congenital lobar emphysema Cystic fibrosis Hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Congenital pulmonary airway malformation type 3 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Combined pulmonary fibrosis-emphysema syndrome Congenital pulmonary airway malformation type 4 Interstitial lung disease due to ABCA3 deficiency Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia Acute interstitial pneumonia Congenital pulmonary airway malformation Congenital pulmonary sequestration Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia Chronic respiratory distress with surfactant metabolism deficiency Non-specific interstitial pneumonia Intralobar congenital pulmonary sequestration Williams-Campbell syndrome Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia Extralobar congenital pulmonary sequestration Primary pulmonary hypoplasia Communicating congenital bronchopulmonary-foregut malformation Pulmonary agenesis Autoimmune interstitial lung disease-arthritis syndrome Congenital pulmonary airway malformation type 0 Interstitial lung disease due to SP-C deficiency Congenital pulmonary airway malformation type 1 Congenital pulmonary airway malformation type 2 Desquamative interstitial pneumonia Scimitar syndrome Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency Secondary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Idiopathic bronchiectasis Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with another disease Drug- or toxin-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy Idiopathic/heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Sarcoidosis Pulmonary arterial hypertension Interstitial lung disease Primary ciliary dyskinesia

Provided care options 1

# Contact person
Ansprechpartner am Krankenhaus Bethanien Solingen
Prof. Dr. med. Winfried J. Randerath

0212 6306001
Das Krankenhaus Bethanien in Solingen ist externer Kooperationspartner des Zentrums für Seltene Lungenerkrankungen.

6.91706144346590150.92344825Zentrum für Seltene Lungenerkrankungen am Universitätsklinikum Köln
Last updated: 27.12.2024